Government warns resident foreigners, refugees against indulging in local politics


The government has issued a strong warning to foreigners, including refugees residing in the country, not to get involved in the local politics at all.

The caution was expressed during a meeting where the chairman of the Somaliland National Agency for Refugees and Displaced Persons Mr. Abdikarin Ahmed Mohamed (Hinnif) met the directors of the various departments of the agency and the refugee verification committee.

While dwelling on the issue of refugees and their non-participation in political matters were discussed, both local and international constitutions regulating the matter were highlighted.

The national constitution bars resident foreigners, including refugees, to indulge in the local politics of their host country.

It was well noted that as concerns general public regulations that legally cover individual or group conducts that boards on petty or capital crimes and associated misdemeanors were universal but those inclined to politics or disharmony was well out of bounds hence would cause them to lose the rights of residence.

Various legal clauses were quoted in driving the point home.


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