Somaliland: The Now Imperatives of a Competency Based Education System




An Education system and national curriculum are vital foundation for learning. It embodies a society’s educational aims and purposes and stipulated what learners should learn, why, when, an how .
Relative peace and stability that has characterized in Somaliland gave a chance to foreign universities to established sub branches in Somaliland. Around 30 high education institutions of different sizes and different capacities functioning, across the country and enrolling 3000 students each year across the country.
The absence of strong local authorities has enabled and encouraged the privatization of the higher education sector. The low capacity of teaching staffs the quality of education has suffered considerably. This is likely to impact the quality of education, students are receiving and qualification and competence of graduates entering the public and the private sector in Somaliland and so what we     need?

Somaliland education system should be effective


Somaliland education system should be effective and it should reflect a society’s shared vision of education, while taking into account local, national and global needs and expectations. The system seeks to reorient the curriculum to adapt a competency- based approach that seeks to shift the paradigm from mere acquisition of knowledge to its application in authentic context while recognizing that every individual is unique with differing interests and abilities. Most of learners exiting the education system at secondary level did not have adequate skills and competences to join the job market.
Among the skill gaps identified well, agricultural skills, entrepreneurial skills, innovation and creativity.
The government of Somaliland should ensure the provisional relevant and quality of education and training for all cadres of its population, including those with special education needs and disabilities. The continues creation of globally competitive and adaptive human resource base is critical for achievement of much needed economic growth and realization of our vision.
Education will play a critical role in imparting the relevant knowledge, skill values and attitude to ensure that learners at all levels of education acquire t the necessary policies, including national education sector program and national curriculum policy, to guide the education sector and reform process respectively. We are committed to ensuring that somlilanders get value for their investment In education in line with the sustainable development goals.
Universities are expected to play a key role in the development of highly skilled human capital that will use the skills required to promote socio-economic and political agenda of the country we need to focus on three parts, application of science, technology and innovation to raise productivity and efficiency levels across the three pillars. It recognizes the critical role played by research in accelerating economic development. We need to adapt a competency –based education will give priority to nurturing young innovators right from primary to university level to become knowledge creators and not just consumers.
Our vision for skilled human resource therefore, is to promote and inculcate a culture of innovation promote research in technology, Engineering and robotics ,in order to reverse the trend where we import virtually every hardware and software solution instead of providing them locally. Vocational and technical, training institutions have an important role to play in the provision of trained manpower for countries vast industries and business.
Finally as the country recasts and develops the various social system education and training will be challenged to import knowledge and skills to improve management of social system and change of mind-sets towards nurturing a cohesive and knowledgeable society this will be help to embed a culture of national values and value for life and basic human right.

Author :   Abdisalaan Ahmed is locally educated graduate and freelance writer.
Email:              tell:     +252634406358


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