Somaliland: Gov’t-Opposition Talks Collapse



Talks between Somaliland government and opposition parties have crumbled. This was announced in a joint press conference held by the two main opposition parties. The parties  failed to clinch an agreeable deal on the way forward after weeks of protracted meetings between the two sides. The bone of contention was that Wadani political party demanded that the National Election Commission to be disbanded or NEC members should be added by two other members which would make 9. The two opposition political parties blamed on the ruling party behind the total collapse of the talks.

The Justice & Welfare party (UCID) which has tried all it could to resolve the disputed issues but it said that the government did not show any compromise on the impasse. Former UCID presidential running mate, Hon. Ahmed Abdi Abyan said that the government dismissed its suggestions that either NEC members to be increased which is UCID’s stance or be disbanded which Wadani party has called on but asserted that the government has vehemently rejected opposition demands to be met. He clearly stated that the elections won’t happen in Somaliland which all political parties do not have a room to participate and Kulmiye-the ruling party in Somaliland will be held accountable for its intransigent on not heeding wake up call from the opposition groups in the country. UCID presidential running mate further clarified points and said that doors are open to hold talks with them.

This was disclosed in a press conference held at UCID’s headquarters in Hargeisa. Hon. Hussein Ahmed Aidid, Wadani spokesman said that Somaliland government dissolved Election Commission Members when the country was preparing to hold its free and fair elections. He questioned why the gov’t sticks on not disbanding NEC members and to have majority representation in NEC by the government is unacceptable.



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