Somaliland: Agricultural Development Policy


In the widest concept of meaning of Agriculture, it consists of the following


  1. Crop production such as:
  1. Cereals as sorghum, maize or corn,
  2. Pulses as beans and peas
  3. Oil seeds, sesame, sunflower, and flax.
  1. Forestry
  2. Animal Husbandry
  3. Fishery
  4. Poultry

There should be sustainable agricultural policy  to obtain production that results


  1. There should be human efforts whose lives depend on farm production.
  2. There should be incentive prices for the crop production so that farmers’

migration to cities should stop.

  1.  Supply of improved seeds and farm inputs, such as insecticides and fertilizers.
  2. Availability of trained Agricultural Extension Agents who advice the farmers to

adapt modern methods of farming.

  1.  Irrigation networks in areas where flow of water streams available, especially

in mountainous areas.

  1. Facilitating credit supply for those farmers who grow cash crops such as fruits

and vegetables.

  1. The days when farmers use animal powers were gone. It is imperative  to

form Government Agency or private agency with sufficient tractors to rent

to the farmers at reasonable price.

  1. Most African countries have their own Agricultural Research Station. Because, each country has its own environmental conditions that suits the kind of crops they produce. It has become necessary to identify through research which crop gives competitive advantage for export. Through research, seed quality can be raised to give higher yields.


I commend the stapes taken by the Amoud University in setting up Farm Demonstration Project. The Project involves practical teaching methods of Improved ways of land preparation, making correct spacing for the crops In order to get intensive production. It is natural that farmers can’t adapt

Modern system of farming. However, when they observe the high production of the Demonstration Farm they realize that they loose production by using old system. The two times to invite the farmers to observe the changes taking place are during land preparation and harvest time. The Project is not meant

to generate money, even though it has to cover its expenses. In the absence of improved seeds in the country, it is up to the Management of the Project to sell the seeds of the Project to the farmers


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