Is Kulmiye Party regaining its campaign momentum?


Kulmiye party has an outstanding performances and successful electoral victories over the past two presidential election. Also on the coming elections 13th November 2024, as usual the party have several common themes and strategies in place.

How ever I saw an article on Araweelo News Network titled: “The shift of former Kulmiye supporters to Wadani Party dated on 24th July 2024”. Surprisingly the author highlighted that “ the former Kulmiye members who switched to Wadani party are idle and have nothing to do rather than spending their days in tea shops”. Somaliland is a democracy nation, we respect member’s freedom of choosing their own political party.

How ever there are a very few political elites who choose to toggle between the parties without a genuine change in their political ideology or beliefs, but perceived as putting their personal interests above the principles and platform of their party. Those unethical turncoats surly will switch to another party sooner or later.

Our party grass-root and supports are intact, we know our core themes and values that resonate with our voters. We identifying and appealing to our key demographic and interest groups, our strong organisational infrastructure that is in place will deliver an efficient campaign operations, logistics, and effective campaign resource management.

Our party knows how to project an image of integrity, empathy, and leadership, we know how to connecting with our voters on a personal level through relatability and charisma. We will showcase our fourteenth years in government achievements by demonstrating our track record of public service, infrastructure developments, good governance, successful foreign policy that resulted region’s political shift and many other accomplishments

our candidates profiles, backgrounds, achievements and personalities will surely enhance the campaign’s political context and deliver the long waited recognition. We are confident and ready for the upcoming elections contest.

Finally let’s play on a level playground, focus on policy differences rather than personal attacks or hate speech. Candidates and parties should avoid inflammatory rhetoric that could incite tribal, violence or society divisions. Campaign activities should be with the boundaries of our constitution, respect rule of law and encourage national unity.

By Eng. Ahmed Adare


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