The Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Somaliland


Hargeisa- At the 114th session of the Council of Ministers of the Republic, which was chaired by the President of the Republic of Somaliland, Mr. Muse Bihi Abdi, the council listened to a general information related to the security of the country from the Minister of the Ministry of Interior, Mr. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed. The council also heard information from the Minister of the Ministry of Regional Development Mrs. Shukri Haji Ismail Bandare who presented the National Policy on Climate Change in the previous meeting.

Also, the Attorney General, Mr. Abdisamad Omar Maal, who participated in the preparation of the National Policy on Climate Change, gave the council more details about the importance of the country, and the council approved it with a strong vote. On the other hand, the council listened to a briefing from the Minister of Communications and Technology, Mr. Abdiweli Abdillahi Sufi, and the draft of the Cyber ​​Security and Cyber ​​Crime Act (Cyber ​​Security and Cyber ​​Crime ACT) which was distributed to the council at the previous meeting, gave the council information about its importance to the country and the people, while the council had a long discussion and analysis.

The council was also given the Somaliland Agricultural Development Policy which was prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture Development and the Office of the Attorney General, and further details were given by the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Abdiqadir Iman Warsame and the Attorney General of the Nation who emphasized the importance of this policy.

After debates on the Act and Policy, the House approved by a majority vote:

1)      The draft Cyber ​​Security and Cyber ​​Crime ACT, which will be submitted to the Legislature to carry out their constitutional functions.

2)      National Policy on Climate Change



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