Somalian Police Display Police officer who killed two civilians in Mogadishu



Somali Police Force authorities said the policeman who shot two people to death is identified as 24 years-old man by the name of Hassan Adan Hassan.

The policeman has killed two civilians in nearby Jubba junction in Mogadishu on Friday evening.

The policeman is under arrest and was among policemen who were enforcing the curfew imposed in Mogadishu in a bid to fight Covid-19 pandemic.

Somalia’s police force have announced that the police officer who committed the murder is behind bars and will appear before the court so that he will face justice.

The police said that he committed a murder.

The two civilians killed were identified as 17 years-old woman named Ms. Madino Abdilahi Abdi and 24 years-old man named Hassan Ali Adawe.


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