Seven political organizations make final lit to enter elections


The National Electoral Commission has received the final list of the political organizations which will compete with the three existing political parties in the forthcoming elections for the top three slots of the national official parties for a ten-year period.

The national committee for the registration and verification of political associations and approval of political parties presented seven names of political organizations which would formally enter the race in the said elections that are scheduled to be held on the 13th of November 2024.

The presidential and vice presidential elections would be simultaneously held on the same day.

  1. Barwaaqo Association
  2. Talo-wadaag  Association
  3. Rajo Association
  4. Shacabka Association
  5. KAAH Association
  6. Hilaac Association
  7. Horseed Association

The seven political organizations would thus try to unseat KULMIYE, WADDANI and UCID who are defending their officialdom to be the only three operating political parties in the country for a period of ten years as per constitution.


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