The Director of Somaliland Journalist Association (SOLJA), Mr. Yahye Mohamed Abdi is currently in Tunisia and is attending an int’l meeting on Human Rights. The dignitaries of many countries around the globe are attending the summit. The gathering is due to kick off on Tuesday (today) and Mr. Yahye will be representing Somaliland media at large at the summit. This will be the 8th summit that will discuss on human rights and technology development. The summit is expected to last for five days and issues that will be high on the agenda of the discussion range from the protection of the rights in the digital age. 400 issues will be debated during the summit whereby the 2500 experts from the globe will be in attendance. The meeting is organized by Access Now, an international organization and the theme is to protect the rights of the digital information age. Canada hosted the 2018 summit whilst the USA hosted the 2017 summit.