Water minister, colleagues jointly lay foundation stone for water-well in Sallahley district


The Ministers of Water development Hon. Suleiman Yusuf Ali Koore, was flanked by his Health and National Planning colleagues the honourables Hassan Ali Mohamed Gaafadi and Ahmed Mohamed Diriye Toorno respectively as they jointly laid the foundation stone for a new water-well to be implemented in Sallaley district.

The function of laying the foundation stone was also attended by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, the manager of the Airports Authority, the Deputy Chairman of the national Tenders Committee, and both the regional and district officials.

This new water well is intended to strengthen the expansion of water supply in Sallahley district, contributing greatly the commodity’s need.

Hon. Suleiman noted in his speech that the borehole water-well drills were more cumbersome than the open water-wells dam, especially in all the Hawt areas.

He underpinned the fact that even both the public and private implements are not able to serve the purpose. He however pointed out that much has been done in the sector and more projects are underway.

He quipped that he was honoured to expedite his services to the people of the area as far as the sector of water resources was concerned.

The various leaders and officials who spoke on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the water-well praised the government for its efforts to ensure that the community has enough water.

The Minister of Education inspected some schools in Borama

Minister of Education and Science of Somaliland Hon. Dr. Ahmed Aden Buhane visited Sheikh Ali Jowhar High School, in Borama city, in bid to launch mock trial tests for this year’s form four candidates.

He at the same time was in a monitoring tour that saw him visit several other schools in the area with the aim of assessing the education qualities.

The minister visited the A.A. Good primary school, met with the teachers and students of the school, and urged the students to work hard and surpass in their studies.

At Al-Aqsa High School in Borama, the minister was welcomed by the administration, teachers and students of the school where he took time to plant a tree at the school’s premise to boost forestation exercises.

The education minister who has been in Borama, Awdal region, for the few past days has been visiting and inspecting several educational facilities in the area hence gave words of advice and encouragement to the students and teachers wherever he met them.


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