Mr. Shabeel announces his dream to become a president in Somaliland


The Chairman of the Kulmiye Central Committee, Jama Shabeel, announces that he is about to throw his hat into ring and contest for the presidential candidate of Somaliland’s ruling party “Kulmiye”.

The member of SL governing party has made his political ambitious known by asserting that he wants to be a president one day leading Somaliland.

The chairman has said that if he loses that he will send a congratulatory message to the winner but if he wins then he will proceed with the presidential contest.

He revealed that the dream of becoming a president is Somaliland is deep inside his heart and is hopeful that he will sit in the presidency one day.

He advised Puntland leader to stop the act of aggression but he should decide and carry on with his verdict of waging war against Somaliland.

Mr. Shabeel asserted that all Puntland’s act of war provocation is that the current leader, Abdiweli Gaas wants to extend his term.


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