Concrete Blocks Installed outside the residence of SL’s VP in order to thwart vehicle attacks



Hargeisa—Concrete blocks were installed outside the residential complex of Somaliland’s deputy president. Residents and traffic have seen the new road blocks put in front of the DP’s residence which is vital for the traffic in the capital. The new blocks are aimed at reinforcing the security and at the same time thwart any attacks that are targeted to the VP of Somaliland. The VP has not so far spoken of the reasons behind the new concrete blocks placed at the heart of the road. Many of the residents have now questioned the urgency to put the barriers in a street that is important for the traffic in Hargeisa. Somaliland VP lives in village dubbed Shacabka which lies a stone’s throw from the presidential palace and is opposite to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) headquarters. Al Shabab carried out terror attacks against Somaliland in 2008 which targeted the presidential palace, UNDP complex and the Ethiopian liaison office in Hargeisa.


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