Parliament integrates Presidential and Political party elections in landmark comprehensive amendments



The House of Representatives of Somaliland has not only approved the holding of both presidential and political parties and organizations elections to be held at ago, but they have made landmark comprehensive amendments that are deemed to forestall any future crisis, if any, emerge at all.

This latest development which has been received well and hailed widely by the members of the public, brings to arrest a bone of contention that has perturbed the political climate of the country for quite a while.

In Saturday’s session of the parliament chaired by the Speaker Hon. Yasin Mohamud Hiir (Faratoon), the draft bill that has address several issues of the electioneering process comprehensively was read in the house before it was overwhelmingly endorsed and passed through vote.

The report was presented by a parliamentary select committee specifically charged with the task of the integration of both elections mentioned above coordination of the elections.

By thus the parliament has now approved that both elections should be held at the same time.

64 members of parliament agreed to the changes of the elections, while 3 members of parliament remained silent, and 7 members of parliament rejected it hence thus the Bill said through.

It has to go to the Upper House, the Guurti, before the Head of State enacts it into law.

The laws that addressing the electioneering processes are Act. No. 91 and Act 14 of the constitution, which entails 156 articles and 28 articles respectively.

As concerns Act No 91, 35 articles had their clauses amended with thirteen new ones formulated while on act No 14, 22 articles were subjected to changes in the comprehensive amendments Bill on electioneering process.

Apart from the slated time of the of the elections having been integrated, of note were notable changes that are fundamental to democratic personal rights such as the ability to vie for elective offices without being vetted by traditional leaders and clan elders and the freedom of being able to register as a voter any time of the year, depending on technical capability demands.

The assembly had 75 members, 63 members agreed, 2 members were against, 9 members were silent and the chairman did not vote.


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