Ethiopian FM Travels To Djibouti To Attend 15th Ethio-Djibouti Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting



Addis Ababa, January 29, 2019 (FBC) –An Ethiopian delegation led by Dr Workneh Gebeyehu has travelled to Djibouti to attend the 15th Ethio-Djibouti Joint Ministerial Commission meeting.

Ethiopia and Djibouti have had comprehensive and multi-faceted economic and political relations over the previous decades. Djibouti is the main import-export port outlet for Ethiopia.

The two countries are already linked with vital infrastructural facilities and they have been conducting period monitoring and evaluation on the progress of the multiple projects that are being conducted between the two neighborly countries.

The joint meeting provides a forum on which they can evaluate the progress in the relation between the two countries and also resolve possible upcoming issues.

The meeting will deliberate on topical issues of transport, port utilization, education, health, customs and trade.



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