Somaliland gov’t is eager to resolve the squabbles in the upcoming parliament election



The government has assured to the International Community particulary the countries that assist Somaliland on its cycle of democracy that the current political deadlock will be resolved pertaining to the upcoming parliament election standoff. The house of elders-Guurti recently passed a term extension for the house of representatives and fixed that the country goes to the polls in December, 2019. There is a row on who is authorized to hold the election and which parties are likely to contest. Wadani party which is among the three political parties said that they won’t contest the polls if the current national election commission is administering the polls which they accused of making widespread irregularities during the last presidential polls in Somaliland.

The ruling Kulmiye party in conjunction with Justice and Welfare party-UCID stated clearly that they are ready to participate the polls. The current National Electoral Commission mandate is due to expire in November this year. The presidential palace made contacts with countries that support Somaliland’s democratization which are based in Nairobi and assured that the current political standoff will be resolved sooner rather than later.



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