Telecom giant operators in Somaliland Agree to Co-own optical cable


SL Telecom giants Somtel, Somcable and Telesom on Tuesday have signed a deal to jointly own the over 1500km optical fiber underground.

The agreement signing ceremony was attended by CEOs and the Chairmen of the three telecom giants in Somaliland.

The Minister of Telecommunication Dr. Abdiweli Abdullahi attended the ceremony where the three giant telecom operators have entered into the agreement.

Somcable firm exclusively owned the underground optic cable for the past five years.

Following the agreement, both Telesom and Somtel have been awarded the license to land and operate undersea internet cables in Somaliland. Undersea cables are the invisible force driving the modern internet, with many in recent years being funded by internet giants such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Amazon.


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