Somalia’s Spy Agency Puts the Blame on Foreign State to have orchestrated the Terrorist Attacks in Mogadishu



MOGADISHU—Somali Intelligence Agency dubbed NISA has put the blame on an alien state for the terrorist attack that occurred in Mogadishu on Saturday.

The Agency has declined to name the country that has facilitated the orchestration of the attack.
In a statement posted in its social media, the state’s agency has pointed an accusatory finger on a foreign state which mastermind the killing of innocent civilians that were going on their errands.
NISA has handed over a finalized report to the leaders of Somalian Federal Government.
NISA has added that it has collected the intelligence information with the close cooperation of international intelligence agencies and said that it will work closely to accomplish the report.
It is now confirmed that almost 90 people to have perished in the horrendous attack that happened in Mogadishu on December the twenty eight at ex-control  of Afgoye checkpoint.
It is said that 150 people to have sustained injuries as far as the deadliest terrorist attack is concerned.
Soobe terrorist attack which happened in 2017 claimed the lives of 600 people and was dubbed as the deadliest attack to have occurred in Mogadishu.
It is not obvious if NISA is distracting the attention of public from the attack blaming it on being masterminded from a foreign soil.
Turkey has put the blame on the UAE while the UAE has accused Qatar of being responsible of carrying out the terrorist attack in Mogadishu.


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