IT equipment donated by EUCAP to the Somaliland Solicitor General’s Office to improve office efficiency


The Somaliland Solicitor General’s Office serves the government by providing professional legal services and legal representation in the public interest, as well as promoting the rule of law by providing legal advice and guidance on issues faced by government organizations.

To do so, the office needed efficient IT equipment that would guarantee a smooth flow of work within the office. To support this request, EUCAP’s Field Office in Hargeisa handed over IT equipment including laptops, desktops, printer, scanner, and other IT accessories for the office.

This equipment will allow the Solicitor General’s office staff to process and advance complex, detailed, and voluminous documents and materials, which are at the heart of the legislative support they provide to the Somaliland government and state bodies and authorities.

“We realise the important and pivotal legal role that is provided to state institutions by the Office of the Solicitor General,” said Mr. Ronnie Willman, outgoing Head of Field Office Hargeisa. “Our ongoing work with the Solicitor General’s office, particularly in relation to maritime law reform, will help provide a good legal basis and a bedrock for the Somaliland maritime sector.”

The Solicitor General’s office appreciated his office’s relationship with EUCAP, particularly around advice in relation to maritime legislation and related state responsibilities.

“I am very conscious of the great work that EUCAP performs in advising and supporting our institutions from my previous role at the Ministry of the Interior, especially in maritime matters,” said Mr. Maal.

“This equipment will greatly improve my office’s efficiency and effectiveness in dealing with our legal responsibilities. I look forward to further developing our mutually beneficial relationship with EUCAP, ” he added.

Mr. Maal also thoughtfully made a presentation to Mr. Ronnie Willman, on his departure  as Head of Field Office Hargeisa, and thanked him for his dedication to the development of Somaliland institutions and their capabilities over the preceding years.


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