Industries are the backbone of any development-oriented country:


*In any given country in the world, the more its industrial sector is developed the more that country will be able to eradicate unemployment, poverty and social deprivation.*

*In an increasingly competitive and congested global society in which industrial productions and technological know-how are the factors that determine the asset values, global position and market leverage of each country, we need to think profoundly about our national industrial policy.*

*Industrial sector plays a significant role in driving the local economy.
#Somaliland is a country that willfully opens its doors to all potential foreign investors.
By putting in place relevant, modern and flexible laws and policy regulations as well as dedicated staff, the government of #Somaliland is fully determined to create vibrant and mutually beneficial industrial atmosphere in Somaliland that can significantly contributes to the development, investment and modernization of Somaliland’s industrial sector.*

The Ministry of Investment and Industrial Development of Somaliland. MOIID has recently finalized policy consultation meetings with the stakeholders for the drafts of Somaliland National Industrial Policy and Act and which will guide and regulate the industrial sector of the country.*

*We also need to put strategies into place in order to deal with the challenges that this sector is facing. Furthermore, it is particularly important to develop a robust industrial policy approach that enables the Ministry to oversee and manage the expansion of industrial zones which in turn will strengthen and upgrade the country’s economic growth.*

*In fact, the government of Somaliland has made the needed effort to overcome most of the obstacles impeding the industrialization of the country. To that end, access to industrial land, which was one of the obstacles to the investors interested to invest in industrial sector, has been solved by the government of Somaliland, since the industrial investors has been allocated free land intended for the industries (Industrial zones).*

*Although, while setting up these zones were considered and focused on the suitability of environmental safety and public health and well-being shielding from the impacts /hazards that the industry may have in the future.*

*According the results & recommendations of several studies conducted by the MOIID, the key concern that the country’s industries face is the energy costs, so the government made an effort and committed to provide cheaper energy to them.*

*As a result, there are numerous energy investment projects with an initial stages and some other upcoming under the pipeline implementing within this year, that will hopefully overcome the country’s energy needs and alter the direction of Somaliland’s manufacturing industry.*

@Mohamed Osman Saeed
Director General of Ministry of Investment and Industrial Development of Somaliland.


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