Bihi Officially Cuts the Ribbon of Food Storage Agency Ware Houses




President Bihi on Saturday has cut the ribbon of two brand new buildings built for the National Tender Board and Disaster Preparedness and Food Storage Agency.

In the first place, the chair of Somaliland’s Tender Board, Mr. Nuh Mohamed Husein has briefed the Head of State of the stages that the NTB went through.
He reiterated that the state has done all it could to build a premise for the Board.
Bihi has praised the job that the NTB has for the public.
Bihi has further said that he is satisfied with the duty that the NTB performs for the state.
At the same time the Head of State has cut the ribbon of ware houses built for the Storage Food Agency and Disaster Preparedness.
The President and his entourage were greeted by staffers and the chair, Mr. Faisal Ali Sheikh.
The chair has told at the ribbon cutting that the agency played a lions share in the recent Sagar cyclone that hit the coastal regions in Somaliland.
He underscored the commitment of the agency to have food storage in use for future humanitarian emergencies.
Bihi has also lauded the duty that the agency has for the public but urged the public to rally their support behind the it.




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