Somaliland’s Tax Tribunal Committee Issued a Historic Resolution on a Lawsuit Between Business-Men & the Ministries of Commerce and Communication


Somaliland’s Tax Tribunal Committee sworn in on June 23, 2020 and is an independent committee as per the general revenue act of Somaliland No. 72/2016, part 6, articles 109 to 249, reading with the Customs Law No. 73/2016 article 205.
This committee adjudicates administrative cases related to taxes in the country as a whole, and it is where the taxpayer who is not satisfied with a tax decision can appeal.
The initiative to establish the Somaliland Tax Tribunal Committee was one of the notable steps taken towards good governance principles of transparency and accountability, which was made possible by the Public Finance Management Reform Program.

So, one of the most effective decisions that have been made by this committee during their short existence is one that was issued yesterday on 1/10/2022, which was about a lawsuit between citizens and business/tax-payers who were complaining about a two same business licenses tax/fee that they were tied to both of the two ministries of Trade and Tourism and Communications, posts and Technology.

We have attached below the content of the text of the decision which consisted of 19 pages, and was signed by the members of the committee that issued the resolution of the case between the two parties that we mentioned above.



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