Somaliland: Second International Public Financial Management Launching:


PFM Professionalization Program launched the second bunch of International Public Finance Management education. The second phase will be benefited by 70 new entrants who were selected among 189 applicants from across all civil servants of the MDAs through a competitive exam. The objective of this program is to build the PFM competencies within the mainstream civil servants. This will be achieved by enhancing the financial management capacity of government staff.

The core of government staff will be trained to qualify at the CIPFA Diploma level. CIPFA is the leading international public sector professional body, and qualifying at Diploma level will enable successful students to become CIPFA Affiliate members. This will provide a core of professional financial managers within the government.

The Somaliland PFM Professionalization and training Programme is a collaborative program between the Somaliland Government, the University of Hargeisa, CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) WYG International, and Michael Parry Consulting LLP. The Programme is funded by a multi-donor trust fund administered by the World Bank.


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