Somaliland: Parliament Delegation Arrives in Uganda



Somaliland parliamentary delegation headed up by the First Deputy Speaker of House of Reps. arrived in Kampala, Ugandan capital and started and 8 days working visit.

Yasin Ali Ayanle is accompanied by the chairs of the foreign relations committee, Ahmed Abdi Kijandhe, head of environment committee, Mohamed Yusuf Wabeye, deputy head of foreign relations committee, Abdiasis Ismail Du’ale and the House of Reps. Secretary, Abdirisak Said Ayanle.

The parliament delegation will participate ground breaking ceremony of the Atiak Sugar Factory by the prominent Tycoon, Amina Hersi Moghe on the 22th October. Somaliland Delegation will hold meetings with different officials of the Ugandan Government and other parties as well.


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