Somaliland: Government Carries out Election Promise on Transparency in Awarding Tenders


HARGEISA–The government of Somaliland has for the first time in history of the country opened sealed tender documents in public. The move was to fulfill pledges made by the Head of State H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi during the elections to award government contracts to the deserving firms without favor whatsoever.  The government is building a new modern correctional facility in Gabiley town.

The advertisement for the bids was placed on dailies for fourteen consecutive days. Somaliland National Tender Commission opened the sealed document at their headquarters in the presence of 33 construction companies.

The chairman of the tender committee Mr.Nuuh Mohammed Hussein promised that the commission is promising to make sure that government contracts are awarded in a competitive way. He added that this is the policy of the government of president Musa to give tenders to deserving companies.

“It is our ardent endeavor to issue government tenders in a transparent manners, all firms that apply for government contract will compete the winner then will be announced. We shall not favor anybody.”

He went on to reveal that the previous procedure of companies application for contracts have been changed, for instance at the venue of the tender opening all representatives of the 33 firms with their documents were present.

The minister of public works and housing Mr.Abdirashid Dua’le Qambi confirmed that the new system for awarding tenders is the policy of the government of President Musa Bihi Abdi.



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