Coast Guard started intensive development programme supported by EUCAP


In the end of August, Somaliland Coast Guard started an intensive Coast Guard officer theoretical and practical training programme which will continue into 2022. The programme started with an assessment and initial training phase organised by EUCAP Field office Hargeisa and attended by a group of 15 members of Somaliland Coast Guard at the Berbera Maritime and Training Academy.

“The assessment is a very important first step which allows us to gauge the current skill sets of the Coast Guard officers and to identify their training and development needs. When understanding the needs, we can tailor our approach accordingly“, says the Head of Maritime Security and Coast Guard Unit at Field Office Hargeisa, Kenneth Neijnes

Apart from the assessment and initial training which will continue during September and October, the SL CG officers were offered training called ‘Fundamentals of First Aid at Sea’ delivered by Medical Expert/Nurse, Jorgen Sellberg.

The framework of the intensive Coast Guard skills development has been planned together by EUCAP and Somaliland Coast Guard Admiral Mohamed Hussein Farah. The training programme was welcomed by Colonel Haruun SIciid Cali, Somaliland Coast Guard Berbera Base Commander, who attended himself some of the assessment parts.

“Our Somaliland Coast Guard colleagues engaged enthusiastically in the assessment tests and the training. This will provide a great basis for the upcoming programme of intensive Coast Guard officer theoretical and practical training“, Neijnes concluded.


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