ATMIS peacekeepers to take over security of election venue


Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble said on Tuesday that he had authorized ATMIS peacekeepers to take over security of Afisyoni airport hanger, where vote for parliament leadership is expected to be held on Wednesday.

“In light of the severity of challenges impeding the completion of elections, I have authorized ATMIS peacekeepers to immediately take over the security of the air force hanger as we complete the election of parliamentary leadership and prepare for presidential elections next month,” Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble said in a statement.

“ATMIS leadership will close coordinate with my office, ministries of security and defense as well as parliamentary leadership.”

Amid concerns that Wednesday’s election could face disruption, the Premier said the list of MPs, who will have access to the venue, will be prepared by the interim speaker of parliament in coordination with his office and will be sent to ATMIS to prevent 16 MPs chosen in a process invalidated by the election board in the town of Garbaharey from participating the vote.

Chairman of a committee tasked with the organization of the upcoming vote said on Tuesday that security forces had taken over parliament compound and forced staff to vacate it, just a day after interim speaker escaped an attack by members of the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA).


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