A yearly consultation meeting between the Ministry of Finance and representatives from the civil society organizations regarding the proposal for the preparation of the 2024 government budget was held at the conference hall of the Berbera Maritime University.



BERBERA–A yearly consultation meeting between the Ministry of Finance and representatives from the civil society organizations regarding the proposal for the preparation of the 2024 government budget was held at the conference hall of the Berbera Maritime University.

The Ministry of Finance of Somaliland based on the directives of the Public Financial Management Act Law No. 75/2016 as well as the implementation of the principles of the PFM, while following the duties of the budget calendar, held Consultation Meeting {budget public hearing} with the Civil Societies every year at this time.

More than 100 people were invited to the event, which came from various parts of the Civil Societies such as Organizations, Universities, Businessmen, Cooperatives and other stakeholders in economic and budget matters.

During the meeting, which lasted for many hours, ideas and suggestions were exchanged and questions related to the 2023 budget and the budget for the coming year of 2024. While the senior managers of the ministry answered questions asked by the invited members from the civil society organizations, promising that their suggestions will be taken into account and will be based as much as possible on the preparation of the government budget estimate for next year 2024. Before being forwarded to other stakeholders in the budget if Allah allows.

Finally, this meeting which is held every year at this time, shows the maturity and transparency of the Somaliland government system, especially the Ministry of Finance Development, which is in charge of the government in preparing the budget, generating revenue and also managing expenditure, and is a step forward taken forward in terms of good governance, transparency and accountability in public and social institutions.


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