A Work-Shop Meeting Presenting the Quarterly Performance Report of the Ministry of Finance.



Somaliland Minister of Finance Dr. Saad Ali Shire together with the Deputy-Minister of the Ministry of Amb. Roda Jama Ilmi and the Director General of the Ministry Mr. Mohamed Hussein Osman opened a one-day workshop, in which the heads of the Departments of the Ministry of Finance presented their quarterly performance which is April-June, 2023.

This workshop, which is quarterly basis and held at the end of every three months, aims to evaluate what each department has done against their work plan, while the director of each department presented in front of the Ministry’s Senior-management a quarterly performance report on what was done in the targets of his/her department during that three-month period, the tasks that were not conducted and the reasons why they could not be done, as well as the challenges that they met during that quarter.

It was shown in the Department’s performance report for that quarter {April-June,2023}, that good progress has been made in terms of the implementation of the financial management reform program such as; that the departments has made good progress using of the Financial Information System {FMIS}, Domestic Revenue Mobilization, Customs Modernization Project, Taxpayer Awareness & Strengthening Customer-Care, Compliance, Budget Management and Expenditure, Procurement, Personnel Reorganization and economic development policies and the promotion of domestic production, while we as a nation facing in a difficult situation, which we share with the rest of the world in general and especially in the region

The Ministry of Finance Development of the Republic of Somaliland has an annual work plan, as well as a five-year strategic plan, which is the map or path which each office follow for the execution of its mandated activities, and it’s also the Key Performance Indicators for the evaluation of its performance.

Finally, the meeting, which lasted for many hours, was closed this afternoon {29 July, 2023} by the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, Dr. Saad Ali Shire, praising the officials of the Departments the way that they have fulfilled their duties assigned.


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