The state once again urges the populaces to be ready for the elections and stand up in defence of the country


The government has urged the members of the public to be readily participate in the upcoming elections and at the same time to be vigilant in the defence of the nation.

This was contained in press released circulated by the Presidency following the weekly cabinet meeting.

The 132nd session of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Somaliland chaired by the President of the Republic of Somaliland, His Excellency Musa Bihi Abdi was held on Saturday with important issues related to security, the country’s economy and preparations for the elections.

The meeting heard a report on the general situation of the country’s security from the Minister of Internal Affairs Hon. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed. So too was the cabinet briefed on the general economic situation of the country by the Finance minister Hon. Sa’ad Ali Shire.

Of note int the information he shared was the 2025 financial bill.

The cabinet similarly discussed and analysed the draft of the General Penal Code.

The Minister of Information Hon. Ali Hassan Mohamed and the Attorney General Mr. Abdisamad Omar Maal presented the draft of the Somaliland Media Acy which is to replace Press Law LR.27/2004.

They gave detailed explanations to the cabinet members about the content and importance of the new law and highlighting the facts of stark differences in the draft.

The Media Bill draft would be pondered on further in their next sitting session.

The members of the cabinet discussed in details about the electioneering processes underway and at the same time urged the populaces to rise up to the occasion in readiness of the elections and at the same time be vigilant in defence of the nation.


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