Somaliland: President Fires Deputy Transportation Minister


By M. A. Egge

THT- The President H.E Muse Bihi Abdi has sacked the Road Development deputy minister and reshuffled four other director generals and naming a fifth.

The office of the director general for defense which has been vacant for a while has now seen a new occupant.

In a terse statement circulated to press by the presidency, the new deputy minister for roads development will be Hon. Mohamed Abdi Mohammad Samatar who replaces Sahal Mohamed.

The new directors general are as follows:-

  • Mohamed Hassan Dirir- Water Development
  • Ahmed Abdi Ismail Aqli- Planning and national development
  • Mubarak Abdillahi Ibrahim- Defence
  • Mohamed Geedi Ainanshe- Civil Service commission
  • Hamsa Suldan Adan Farah- Quality Control commission.


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