Somaliland Haters Circulating BK Comments. Farmaajo and his late uncle’s revolutionary orphanage/flowers were busy attempting to mock the innocent people of Banadir
Their aim was not just to make a mockery of the massacred people and their relatives, but to also start putting hatred between Somaliland and innocent people of Mogadishu. A classical example is the saga of the young, inexperienced, but popular singer Mohamed BK comments that was propagated and broadcasted, as it was BK who was responsible for last week’s explosions that claimed many innocent people’s lives
Message to all those minority Somalis who were passing around the partly cut speech of the popular singer BK as well as Somaliland.
The shocking part is the fact that BK’s speech that has been tempered with and partly cut is being propagated and disseminated in the social media. It was more important for (Farmaajo iyo ubaxii kacaanki adeerkii) those minority Somalis than the carnage and massacre that took place last week and happens on a daily basis
Not all but, a minority narrow minded Somalis group start condemning and posted hate speech against the popular Somaliland and Somali singer, Mohamed BK. While entirely forgetting the mass murder that occurred last week where hundreds of innocents lost their lives and hundreds are injured.
Somalis don’t seem to be worried about the massacres that took place last Saturday or the previous tragedies that happened and unchecked failures of Farmaajo and his clique in Villa Somalia.
Minority group of Somalis in Mogadishu and their SFG have lost vision, they brush off all the major issues that they are faced with day in day out; issues that needs an immediate attention to stabilize their country.
If you look at the number of terrorist incidents and other troubles that occurred during Farmajo administration, you will realize it has tripled and way far more than combined two previous administrations headed by Sheikh Sharif and Hasan Sheikh. The current Farmaajo administration has also squandered and lost much of the relative peace and stability that was accomplished during the tenure of Sh. Sharif & Hassan Sheikh.
Any sound minded individual or group can differentiate or compare the problems that occurred during the tenure of those three leaders and will conclude that it’s not because of Al-Shabab gains but, rather the utter failure of the current leadership of Villa Somalia.
All betrayals are not created equal.
Just last week,a bloody and disastrous car bomb killed more than two hundred innocent people in Mogadishu, God knows how many more people died there that were not mentioned plus a couple of hundreds that are wounded.
To build matters worse, no one seems to be concerned about the pathetic comments made by the so called Mayor of Mogadishu, where he had the audacity to commend the nonexistent heroes who repelled the deadly force explosions in Mogadishu Afgoye Ex control. Furthermore, his government doesn’t believe the innocent people that perished last Saturday were humans and that their lives matters as much as his government officials that he referred to as important
The video of the mayor is available on the news networks. No one seems to care or wants to talk about this, but as we have seen in the social media, it’s more significant for them to circulate and condemn the speech of Somaliland singer Mohamed BK that was partly cut for the very purpose of maligning him, a quote that was taken out of context where 99.9 percent of the nice things he said has been cut off or left out. They didn’t stop there, but went too far to register a complaint against the singer with the government of the United Kingdom and the police as well as placing a petition on the net asking people to sign the petition to withdraw his Visa and deport BK from the United Kingdom.
It’s quite baffling to me that one seems to care about the recent political disaster of epic Proportions that has befallen to Somalia.
No one in Somalia appears to condemn Farmaajo and his Villa Somalia bunch of no good ministers or the Somali parliamentarians who are busy fighting with Jubaland and other federal regions (SFS) on a daily basis, while people in Mogadishu or Banadir region that they supposedly govern and protect got massacred in their own doorsteps continuously week after week.
We heard many, many times where Farmajo makes assertions such as: “Ours is a government of the people. We are accountable to the people.” But, when the people are outraged and demanded answers the president of the people and Villa Somalia sought refuge in quiet. A classic example is where Farmaajo was escorted by AMISOM military tank to visit the wounded in the Turkish plane that was taking the wounded people to turkey for medical treatments.
Farmaajo and his pack of crooks in Villa Somalia has written their legacy in the pages of infamy by becoming the first ever president and a government to commit a betrayal of such magnitude against the Somali people. It’s not that I dislike this current Somali government, but it’s the facts on the ground many of you will entirely agree with me that I mentioned here. History will reveal, uncover or discover this sooner or later.
No one seems to care about the innocent people that was massacred and perished in their doorsteps, I don’t see any help, assistance or charities that were conjured up for helping the relatives of the young and old that was massacred by the car bomb explosions in Mogadishu. So distressing to see the carnage that is going on these innocent people in Mogadishu alone week after week, however, what shocked me is the amount of misinformation and indifference of the so called Villa Somalia, government officials, as well as the international community stating that the country is ready or scheduled to have one man one vote. What a hypothetical joke to the innocent and destitute people of Mogadishu.
On the other hand, this is a polite message and a reminder to those individual narrow minded minority Somalis who don’t realize the big problems that Mogadishu people are facing, but instead, circulating the speech of the singer BK around the social media and the entire world. Not many people said that much when Farmaajo ordered his so called Somalia national intelligence and security agency (NISA) to extradite a very well known Somali citizen and highly decorated military officer who nearly died for the 1977 war with Ethiopia without any formal procedure or proceedings, he was blindfolded when he was handed over.
To make matters worse, the Farmaajo government denied and dismissed all information related to the illegal rendition as “vicious rumors intended to undermine government’s credibility”; claiming their objective is “Qaran dumis” or to destroy the nation.Once the truth unfolded and hit the streets that Qalbi-Dhagax was handed over by his brethren to a another country. The videoshop of singer BK is more important than the handing over of Qalbi Dhagax The whole public space became saturated with extreme Insult and hate, poems towards the Singer Bk and Somaliland as a whole.
It’s ok when the legendary and the popular singer Hasan Aden Samatar who became very famous by Somaliland’s creative and artistic literature and its territory has the audacity to hate Somaliland but it’s a crime when BK says he wants to see Somaliland and Somalia live
as two brethren countries as they were before 1960, when Somaliland threw their god given independence out of the window without no formal conditions for that sake of creating or bringing all five Somali speaking nations together, the dream that was ruined by Farmaajo uncle
Besides, it’s ok that legend and the popular Singer Ahmed Ali Egal, who was also getting his fame in Somaliland soil, same way as Hasan Aden Samatar is also hates Somaliland but, it’s a crime when BK prays for the massacre and says what he believes
It’s ok when Abdiqadir Juba, who also became famous in Somaliland hates Somaliland but it is a crime when BK says what he believes
It is ok when the late Eng Yariisow Might almighty god rest him in peace, said that Somaliland or Hargeisa will not be at peace while Mogadishu is terrorized and burned, but it is a criminal offense when one young Somaliland singer says what he thinks and believes.
It’s ok when the picture of Farmajo with the wounded in the Turkish plane is passing around inn the social media, Farmaajo who has for the past four years completely failed to carry out his responsibilities to protect the innocent civilians, young and old, besides, only last week.
Farmaajo didn’t bother to visit last weeks wounded people in the hospital, and to make matters worse, he went to the Turkish plane that was carrying the wounded to Turkey for medical treatment where he has taken selfie-pictures for social media in the airplane.
That is so called president of the poor Somali people! Shockingly, but it’s a crime a young singer from Somaliland says what he believes
It’s ok for Farmaajo to upset the people in Mogadishu by helping his late uncle Siyad Bare to take steps to retrieve and to reinstall His uncles old monuments such as dhagaxtuur, and Sayid Mohamed Abdile Hassan and so on. He Succeeded in doing that, but it’s a criminal offense when Bk says what he thinks
It’s ok that Farmaajo wages war to Somaliland on economically and politically for the past four years. We all know this, as well as internationally, but it becomes a crime when a young singer says what he believes in about Somaliland
It’s ok that Farmaajo employs those idiots who were responsible the genocide and massacres of Somaliland in 1987 such as Morgan (The Butcher of Hargeisa), who serves as a consultant in the Somali Armed Forces, the reason for the employment is for immunity that meant, no one will be able to take Morgan to any international tribunal courts.
His provocative actions did not stop there, Farmaajo also offered an unauthorized job as head of security at the US Embassy in Somalia to criminal Tuke, the most wanted criminal in Somaliland, who was recently convicted in the US courts the genocide he committed against innocent civilians in Somaliland in 1980s.
Farmaajo asked his media boys to circulate the picture of him and Tuke in the social media..
The sole purpose for this was to provoke Somaliland people, but it’s a crime when BK says what we all believe should happen. It’s ok that Farmaajo building a mosque in Mogadishu and naming it after Ahmed Suleyman Dafle, the mosque that was wholly funded by the government as a provocation, and it becomes a crime when BK says a point that we wholly believe in
It’s ok for Somalis that Farmaajo is busy to cause disrupt and chaos in the eastern areas of Somaliland to create a regional administrations for the sole purpose of putting problems and conflicts within the people of Somaliland. This month has been a busy month for Farmaajo, He set up a meeting in a neighboring Country, the meeting was between some crooks from Villa Somalia, some crooks from Laascaanood including the former Puntlad Speaker of the House of Representatives and some other official from the Turkish embassy.
It’s ok for Farmaajo to send letters to the entire world asking them to intervene and stop UAE from expanding and upgrading Berbera port, but it’s a crime when BK says what we all believe in.
It’s ok that hundreds of thousands of Somaliland men, adult females, children were massacred in 1988
But it is a crime when a young singer from Somaliland says what he believes or thinks honestly.
The BK story has ended, but the saga and the terror continue, so, I expect more energy and political aid to the destitute people of Mogadishu.
Somaliland’s independence and its territorial integrity are sacred, non-negotiable and has no return to the obsolete Somali-Weyn concept, and must be respected. We will never reunite with Somalia even if we stay unrecognized by IC. We believe in Allah and Him alone only bestow his Blessings, Protection, and Bounty to his people and have all in Somaliland.