Somaliland: Government announces staple food crops free from harmful toxins



The ministry of agri along with the Quality Control Agency have announced on Sunday that staple food crops in the state are free from harmful toxins known as Aflotixins.

This comes days after the discovery was made in Somalia where the staple food crops were found containing the toxins.

Somaliland government has dismissed the state’s staple food crops are not contaminated with harmful toxins are said to cause cancer development.

The Minister responsible for Agriculture and the head of Quality Control Agency held a joint press conference today and have dismissed with the strongest possible terms the local reports circulated by the local press.

They have jointly declared that the local crops in Somailand are not found with Aflotoxins.

Aflotoxins are substances produced by fungi that are found mostly in agri crops like maize.

The Head of Quality Control Agency has said that they sent staple crop samples to laboratory in Dubai’s UAE and revealed that they do not contain any harmful substance that are harmful to the health of its citizens.

He revealed that the crops were not discovered with mycotoxins.

The minister of Agri, Ahmed Mumin Seed has stated that six staple food crops harvested this year were part of the samples that were taken to Dubai for further investigations.





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