Somali gang rapist whose deportation was blocked by passengers finally booted from UK



A SOMALI gang rapist whose deportation was blocked by outraged activists last year will finally be kicked out of UK – but at a higher cost on a private flight.

Activists protest against ‘deportation flights’ at Stansted Yaqub Ahmed, 30, got nine years behind bars for the gang raping of a 16-year-old girl along with three other sick attackers in 2007.

He was due to be deported in October but was taken off the plane after protesters, believing he was an innocent refugee, caused a disturbance.

The sex beast was then controversially given bail in March and allowed back onto UK streets.

Footage of the failed deportation last October showed him on a flight to Turkey, as activists demanded his release, shouting “they’re separating him from his family and take him off the plane”.

Gang rape deportation

SICK: He gang raped the teen with three other men (Pic: MET POLICE )

The Home Office team escorting him were forced to remove him from the plane and the rapist was seen thanking passengers for their support as they cheered and clapped.

But Ahmed is now being held an Immigration Removal Centre, the Mail on Sunday reports, ahead of a second deportation attempt.

A deportation order will be carried out “in the not too distant future” and he will be returned to Somalia, it is reported.

And it could cost much more thanks to the protestors – as the Government will pay for a separate charter flight to prevent a repetition of last year’s passenger uprising.

After the failed deportation, the sex attacker was fitted with an electronic tag and released on bail after an immigration hearing on March 14.

The victim’s mother last night called for “each and every one” of the passengers who intervened to apologise for stopping him being kicked out of the UK.

Yaqub Ahmed

CHEERS: Passengers clapped when the rapists was allowed to star (Pic: MIRROR)

The Mum blasted: “Why did they feel the need to intervene in something which clearly was nothing to do with them?

“They actually made it possible for my daughter’s rapist to be allowed back into the country by their actions.”

Ahmed served just four years of his prison and after he was released by the Home Office for his deportation.

He and the three other men were accused of attacking the girl after a night out in London’s Leicester Square in 2007.

They denied the charges but were found guilty in court. One of the men has been linked to Islamist radicals in Syria.

Daily Star


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