SL Parliament Issues first three month session performance


The House of Representatives released a report on its performance in the first session, which lasted three months from August 3 to October 3. The Speaker of the House of Representatives Hon. Abdirizak Khalif Ahmed who opened Saturday’s session yesterday, said lawmakers would listen to two key reports, the speaker’s report and the standing committee’s report.

The committee reports will then be heard, most importantly that of the Finance Committee which has passed through all the financial resources of the regions of the country and other committees such as the National Assets Oversight Committee, the Legislative Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Secretary of House Mr. Abdirizak who read the report began:-

The 60-page report of the first session of the House of Representatives mentions the events of the first session of the House of Representatives, and ways prior house chairs transferred the realm to the new chairs.

The report opens up a new method that the people of Somaliland are unfamiliar with in the previous House of Representatives, highlights a strategy  the Speaker of the House of Representatives sets an example for transparency and accountability, and an obligatory challenge to the other institutions of the Somaliland government and the judiciary to shed light on their performances to the community, quarterly, six months and at the end of each year.

This report, which was read before the House, detailed the rules that the House debated, the rules that the House approved the motions tabled in the House, and the performance of the committees of the House of Representatives.

The report underlined the efforts by the House of Representatives leaders taken to improve the infrastructure and knowledge of new members of parliament, such as renovations and modernization of the House of Representatives, workshops and seminars hold for members of parliament and secretarial committees.

During and at the end of the first session some MPs traveled to foreign countries on working visits, such as delegation the Vice Speaker and MPs traveled to Norway, while Foreign committee members traveled to Nairobi.

Similarly, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Hon. Abdirizak Khalif Ahmed during the first session met with delegates from UN agencies, international and diplomats from countries that support democracy in Somaliland, as UNSOM, and UNDP, and IRI officials.

He also met with the UAE Ambassador to Somaliland, the UK Ambassador to Somaliland and Somalia, the Ethiopian Ambassador to Somaliland, and the Taiwanese Ambassador to Somaliland.

The report issued by the 5th House of Representatives of the Republic of Somaliland on the performance of the first session, is a step towards transparency and accountability, and will make the public aware of the work of the elected parliamentarians.


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