President leads mourners in laying the late Gen Jidif to rest


The President of the Republic of Somaliland H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi, attended the funeral of the late military chief Gen Mohamed Hassan Abdillahi (Jidif) who held various positions in the various forces of the country.

The late army commander succumbed on Tuesday evening in Hargeisa and was laid to rest the following day in a state burial at the northern surbrbs of the city.

The President led the nation in the burial that saw multitudes of mourners together with members of parliament, ministers, leaders of the KULMIYE party, traditional leaders and hundreds of people that attended the funeral of the deceased.

The Head of State first of all expressed his condolences to the relatives and the entire nation of Somaliland on the occasion of the death of the fallen hero who one of the people who fought to free this nation from oppression.

In his eulogy at the grvesite, the President described the deceased as a fighter who was good and popular with the pople hence cherished brethrenship and friendship.

“He fought for his country and was liked by his contemporaries and agemates for being very sociable and friendly”, said the Pesident while noting that they were in the same age group.

He prayed to the Almighty Allah to rest the soul of the deceased in eternal peace.

The chief commander of the National Army and Police, Major General Nuh Ismail Tani and army commander Brigadier General Ahmed Awale Yusuf (Libaah) sent their condolences to the family and relatives of the deceased, and eulogies the fallen hero by paying tribute to his enormous contribution in the struggles of the freedom fighting extended their valuable contribution and more notably in the foundation and biuling of the national arme forces to become a formidable institution.

The Ministers of Interior, livestock development, Family, Employment and Social Affairs also spoke at the burial site and noted the time efforts the late Jidif sacrificed for the people and ntion of Somaliland.

Traditional leaders and politicians who had special knowledge of the deceased, described him as a hero who entered history with golden wings and served his country sincerely and faithfully, while wishing his family and relatives patience and stronger faith during the trying momment.


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