Police launch in unprecedented operation on narcotics in Buroa


he Togdeer regional police force, with the help of the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice committee (PV&PV), is conducting operations against illicit drug and immoral activities in Burao City.

While Burao Police forces have been put on alert, the anti-narcotics operation was carried out in all the neighborhoods of the city of Burco.

Sheikh Mohamed Abdillahi, one of the PV&PV officials and other scholars who spoke, thanked and praised the efforts of the police force in the fight against drugs and immorality.

He said that the operation is to fight against drugs, alcohol, cannabis, and all the public immorality, he called on the community of Burco to work with the police force and religious scholars and report all places they see bad.

The deputy commander of the Togdeer Regional Police Force, Major Khadar Farah, who made a statement, said that legal action will be taken against anyone who tries to import illicit drugs into the region.

He called on parents to look closely on their children’s conduct and what they are doing away from home so that their future won’t be compromised.

The operation of the Togdeer regional police force, which started in the town of Burao, is said to last for three days.


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