Somaliland Lauds Peace and Prosperity of the Horn of Africa Region” Says Foreign Minister


HARGEISA–The government of Somaliland has spoken about the wind of change that is blowing in the Horn of Africa region. For instance the mistrust Djibouti has concerning the peace treaty between Ethiopia and Eritrea and the recent sentiments by Somalia president Mr.Farmajo calling for the lifting of the arms embargo on Eritrea. Somaliland supports any endeavor to solve the myriads of problems affsecting the people of the Horn of Africa as whole.

The Somaliland minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation Mr.Sa’ad Ali Shire speaking to the Horn Newspaper talked about democracy, international recognition of Somaliland and the memorandum of understanding that was agreed in the El-Afwein saga herein are his words “It the policy of Somaliland to be neutral in the Affairs of all countries because Somaliland as nation stands for peace. We cannot say wed support Eritrea or Ethiopia they are all equal to us we only welcome the wind of change that is ushering a new era of friendship and prosperity to all the countries of the Horn of Africa. We also cannot say remove the arms embargo on Eritrea as well tomorrow these countries can become friends and bury their hatchet.

Somaliland stands to promote peaceful coexistence amongst all countries in the world and stands for peace in the Horn of Africa region. Somaliland welcomes peace and development in the Horn of Africa region. Our country is against conflict and war propaganda in the region.”

Speaking about democracy minister Sa’ad said “Somaliland is a democratic country which has held several elections. The country has developed in the past 27 years that it had revoked its union with the oppressive Somalia regime. Today Somaliland is patiently waiting for the international community to recognize it as an independent sovereign state. Our country has fulfilled all conditions wanted for independence and recognition.” Mr.Sa’ad stated.


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