Government Nationalizes the Petroleum Laboratory



The head of state H.E Musa Bihi Abdi in a presidential circular issued of 24th September 2018 confirmed the renationalization of the Petroleum Laboratory which had been privatized the former administration.  The national asset was in private hands and the way of their acquisition was dubious.  This is according to a circular reaching Somaliland News Agency (SOLNA). It content read as follows……

  1. The Government of Somaliland has nullified the agreement between Interstate Testing and Support Service (ITSS) and the government for privatization of the National Petroleum Laboratory.
  2. The government has acquired all the equipment and assets of the petroleum laboratory previously in the hands of (ITSS).
  3. The minister of commerce, industry and tourism, minister of finance, the auditor general, the accountant general and the managing director of the national petroleum laboratory to bring the real valuation of the assets input by ITSS.
  4. The national petroleum laboratory will be managed by the chairman of Berbera Oil Terminal.




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