Government bans Non-National 18th May Committee Organized Events


PRESS RELEASE: Celebrating the 31st Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Somaliland on 18 May 2022 .

In conformity with the National 18th May Organizing committee appointed through a presidential decree and in accordance with Article 37 of the Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland, which defines the national structure, power and dignity of the nation, all Somalilanders and the national parties of Kulmiye, Wadani and UCID are invited to attend events commemorating the 31st Anniversary of Somaliland independence.
At the same time and in order to strengthen the unity, security, stability and stability of the nation, all arrangements of any kind other than those organized by the National taskforce are prohibited.
To effect this all Somaliland security and law enforcement agencies are instructed to take legal action against anyone who violates the directives of the May 18 commemoration committee.
Hon Mohamed Ahmed Kahin
Interior Minister
Republic of Somaliland


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