Suspend Ethiopian Airlines Flight to Somaliland-UCID party chair tells the gov’t



The Chairman of Somaliland’s UCID party has called on the government to take tangible measures to prevent the outbreak of Coronavirus in the country.

He called for closing Somaliland’s borders with Ethiopia and cancelling all travels there.

Faisal Ali Warabe indicated that it will be harder for Somaliland to contain the virus as the nation’s health is in shambles.

He alleged that the capacity of the country’s health system has not improved for the past three decades.

In a press conference earlier today, the chairman of Justice and Welfare party, UCID, also alleged that illicit harmful substances enter Somaliland from its border with Ethiopia.

He added that if the coronavirus enters Somaliland, the situation will become beyond manageable.

Somaliland has announced strict measures to curb the potential spread of COVID-19 in the country.

All int’l flights was suspended to and from Somaliland with the exception of Ethiopian airlines that regularly links Hargeisa to Addis Ababa.

Many observers thought SL government met the exception to defy the orders of Somalia’s Federal Gov’t banning all int’l flights.

Faisal Ali Warabe called on the gov’t to suspend the flight of Ethiopian airlines and put the defiance aside.


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