Somaliland’s struggles will continue until we achieve our aspirations, says the President


The President of Somaliland H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi has stated that the country’s struggle will continue until it achieves and realizes its aspirations of becoming a de-jure state amongst the nations of the world with a seat at the UN General Assembly as deserved.

The Head of State expressed the people’s conviction as he addressed a mammoth crowd in Gebilay town while in his third week of meet-the-people tour that saw him crisscross the country from the far eastern to the western regions.

He underscored the fact that self determination and emancipation from hard spots is not derived in a simple manners of lies and games, but is indeed borne out of the shed blood of selfless heroes; hence he urged the populaces to steel themselves vigilantly against tough moments in defense of the nation.

He said. “Somaliland’s struggle will continue until it reaches its aspirations and goal of being a recognized independent nation with a seat in the UN” and added, “the struggle is long; independence is a tree that grows out of the blood of a hero, it is not found through games nor lies, and we are ready for any eventuality”.

On the other hand, the President said that the KULMIYE party is soliciting votes in the upcoming presidential and political party elections based on its track record and pledges and not through coercion.

He pointed out that threats and unbecoming words were out of question hence the ruling party would adhere to ethical standards as expected.

While he hailed the populaces for depicting patriotism, he noted that much as the electioneering processes had to be procedural so too shall the defense of the nation be prioritized.

He said that as the KULMIYE party flag bearer, he urged the people to stand by their nationhood above everything else.


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