Somaliland’s Home affairs minister confirms the arrest of criminals



Hargeisa–The Somaliland minister of Home Affairs, Mohamed Kahin Ahmed stated that three men accused of the murder of two Somaliland officers, Major Abdillahi Ahmed Tallan and Lieutenant Nur Aw Ali Nuh have been captured along with vehicles used in the assassination. The minister also confirmed that ten other men are currently in custody and are under active investigation on suspicion of planning, aiding and abetting the accused.

In a press conference attended by the Chiefs of the Somaliland Defence and Police Forces, minister Kahin then preceded to attack Waddani chair, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi “Cirro” of according to the minister “using the tragedy for political reasons, and of trying to tie the would be assassins to me, because of community affiliation and of attempting to sow disharmony between the people of the two regions and communities..for not standing by the nation in this tragedy”.

In his press conference, minister Kahin stated ” that any request of assistance from the two martyred officers had not reached his desk, was not aware of any requests. The matter was in the hands of the relevant senior officers in the area”.

The minister continued in his press conference by stating that the ” proposed emergency law was intended for the three towns of Erigavo, El-Afwein and Garadag” and the proposal has not been abandoned.

All in all, in a remarkable press conference in which the minister Kahin attempted to defend against or deflect any blame for the current situation, it is clear as the minister in charge of internal affairs, the issue of “duty of care” to his subordinates seems to have escaped his grasp.

Neither the chair of Waddani, the Somaliland media, nor any true Somalilander takes any pleasure in this despicable act, and it doesn’t matter which community the perpetrators are from. They are criminals, pure and simple.

However, as the minister and commanders responsible and currently in place, the”buck stops with you” there is no point in affixing blame to anyone else, either own up, apologize and promise to do better, or do the honourable and most unlikely thing, RESIGN.

Somaliland: Home Minister Attacks Waddani Chair & Says Criminals Captured.


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