Major commercial stalls in Mogadishu remove CCTV camera surveillance in compliance to Al Shabab order



Commercial stalls in Mogadishu have implemented in compliance an order issued by Al Shabab militants which banned the installation of outdoor CCTV surveillance cameras.

The news was sourced from business people who requested anonymity.

The outdoor CCTV camera surveillance is part and parcel of the security as once an incident transpired would make easy for tracking the images and what happened.

The owners of commercial stalls in Mogadishu have cited due to fear of reprisals from the Al Shabab militants although they have put their faith on the government.

Most of the banks, shopping malls, stalls  and other public places have removed the CCTV camera surveillance after having conducted an investigation.

Mr. Husein told Somali Universal TV that the militants carry out covert operations in Mogadishu and target to people who comply with government orders.

The government must create an atmosphere where people will not fear for their life against Al Shabab.

Al Shabab collects taxes dubbed Zakaat from business people in Mogadishu.


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