Somaliland: Elders House Submits the name of new NEC nominee to the President



Mr. Saleban Mahmud Aden, chairman of Somaliland house of elders “Guurti”on Saturday forwarded to President Muse Bihi , the name of the nominee for the national electoral commission.

Previously, President Muse Bihi declined the nomination of Mr. Foosi Mohamed Farah who was the two nominees’ by the house of elder’s for the national electoral commission on the grounds that he was a member of “Waddani” the main opposition party.

Chairman of Somaliland house of elders, Mr. Saleban Mahmud Aden presented to the President Mr. Mahmud Dahir Jama (Dhoodi) as the new Guurti nominee for the new national electoral commission this according to reliable reports.

Mr. Mahmud Dahir Jama (Dhoodi) who was the deputy managing director of Somaliland roads authority in the previous President Silanyo government has on several occasions appeared on local media outlets leveling provocative accusations against Mr. Hirsi Ali Haji Hassan, a top waddani official. It is not clear if President Bihi will accept or decline Mr. Mahmud Dahir Jama (Dhoodi) who held various posts in the previous Kulmiye government.

The house of elders has nominated Mr. Mahmud Dahir Jama (Dhoodi) and Mr. Abdurrahman Mohamed Ismail Dixood for the national electoral commission.


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