Somaliland Delegation met with Diplomats based in Nairobi


NAIROBI–Together with the Somaliland Central Bank governor & members of Somaliland MPs, we met & had talks with Dr. Gueo Ce, the Economic & Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Kenya. Discussed Somaliland & China trade relations, shared with the embassy the potentiality of Somaliland, it’s rich pasturing & enormous flocks of camel, sheep, and goats, Somaliland’s gemstone, industrial minerals and hydrocarbons which are abundant in Somaliland. Discussed the possibility of formalizing and facilitating the trade transactions that we had with China. We presented Somaliland’s guarantee for foreign investments.

We reminded the Counsellor the role that Somaliland people played during their statehood struggle. Somalis were the first African nation to grant China Diplomatic recognition and helped lobby for the PRC to gain China’s Seat in the United Nations, and President Egal was pushing that.

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Image may contain: 5 people, people standing, suit and indoor

Had a meeting with Shinjiro Amameishi, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Senior Representative and Atsushi IIJIMA, JICA Project Formulation Advisor at JICA Kenya Office in Nairobi.

Discussed JICA’s Technical Cooperation Projects, their Young Future Leaders program, private sector development using Japan’s Kaizen Practice (Quality & Productivity improvement), farmer innovations, market-oriented farming technologies and sustainable livestock management through efficient animal husbandry technologies.

We also discussed JICA’s human resource development scholarships in which the Somaliland youth can benefit from it; Master’s Degree and Internship Program of African Business Education Initiative for Youth (ABE Initiative).

Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, suit


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