Somalia Turns Down AU envoy, claims links with Kenya



Somalia has turned down the nomination of AU Higher Representative John Mahama to lead Somalia’s mediation dialogue. The government has said in a statement that it does not put its faith on the ex-Ghanaian leader as he has close ties with Kenya. FM Mohmed Abdirisak told the African Union Commission Chair Mousa Moahamat in a letter that Mohama is no longer welcome in Somalia. “It is indeed surprising that a candidate with an extensive link with Kenya’s leadership has been chosen by the AU to facilitate talks on a political impasse partly engineered by those the Kenyan leadership has supported,” the letter read in part. The government noted that it is losing support from the AU Higher Representative. On the other hand, the opposition groups have welcomed and endorsed the appointment of Mahama to lead Somalia’s election talks. The AU is adamant nd maintained it will not rescind its decision to appoint and dispatch Mahama to Somalia. Somalia claims that it has resolved the election dispute as it has nullified the term extension of resolution and the reproachment between Prime Minister Mohamed Roble and the opposition.


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