Police & Coast Guard benefit from a management course


A team of Somaliland Police Force and Coast Guard officers attended a management training course organized by the EUCAP Field Office in Hargeisa from the 22nd to the 26th of August 2021.

The training equipped the participants with improved management skills and provided a platform for networking across various entities so that they could carry out their coordination responsibilities professionally.

Attended by 17 participants from Somaliland Police (SLP) and Somaliland Coast Guard (SLCG) including 3 female officers, the participants enjoyed participatory learning where different role plays were initiated with different topics.

The themes of the course included leadership theories, the difference between management vs leadership, and supervisor’s conflict management techniques, among others.

Following the session, participants discussed what management training means to them. Captain Zuhur Fathi Mukhtar, the Head of SLCG Training, mentioned what she liked best about this training.

“Team management, and the importance of dealing with a conflict situation as soon as possible in order not to let it escalate. And trying to create a win-win situation”, she said.

On the other hand, Asma Abdi Nur, a Lieutenant from the SLP appreciated the opportunity to network with their SLCG counterparts.

‘’Once we know each other, it is much simpler to work together if we have to do it one day,” she added.

Management training for security sector institutions such as police and coast guard enhances their leadership capabilities especially in communication, which is important as one is expected to build trust and promote a culture of mutual respect at work.


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