OLDOON is a Sleeping Cell Serving the Enemy


The concerted campaign against the Somaliland’s prestigious University of Abarso and its affiliated university Barwaqo is a blatant attack by Somaliland’s enemies using pseudo-educated or uneducated hired gun who do not care or not aware about the ill-will our enemies are designed to hurt the Republic of Somaliland. Note our enemies in Mogadishu failed to even put together a semblance of a state for over thirty years, therefore, instead of focusing on their failed state their focus is to harm the Republic of Somaliland and its people in any shape or form they can. These days they are using under-educated pseudo literate entities such as Oldoon/Ciibdoon to do harm to our country. I would like to draw your kind attention to the recent successful election conducted in Somaliland. That election has attracted multiple good press in both the regional and international press, therefore, to blunt that success our mortal enemies are using local tools to create baseless issue topics while using religion and culture to attack Abarso university.  Somalilanders, you need to vigorously response to our mortal enemies, and even be on the offensive by indicating to their failure to put together even the semblance of a government for over thirty years. You need to know our struggle for full independence is still going on. You need to never put sown your vigilance and alertness for even second. What you are seeing these days is a coordinated effort to disparage our independence and sovereignty. These people should be put in front a court of justice and their crime should put into perspective before an open public hearing. These criminals disguising as wadaado and other deceptive forms should serve hard sentences because they committed slander and defamation against Somaliland’s prestigious institutions without any proof and what did and doing amounts to treason.


Soleiman Egeh is a freelance writer, political analyst, and a senior science instructor


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