International Book Fair wrapped up in Hargeisa


The Hargeisa International Book Fair has been held in Hargeisa for the 16th consecutive year, and Morocco is the guest nation this year, and the theme was “Resilience”, and invited a broad 51 different fields of expertise from 14 countries in the world, has been concluded on Thursday 27 July.

The week-long exhibition from the 22nd to the 27th of July 2023, featured more than 1,800 books, as well as 36 scientific discussions on various topics, some of which were practically presented.

The chairman of the Cultural Center, and the founder of the Hargeisa International Book Fair, Dr. Jama Musa Jama who spoke at the conclusion event detailed the most important things that happened during the six days of the exhibition.

“At the 16th Hargeisa International Book Fair, 51 participants from 14 countries came as our guests, and the theme was ‘Resilience’.

1800 books and 4 new books were brought here, 36 panels (scientific discussions) were held here, and the analysis of 40 books out of 1,804 books was presented. brought here.

There were 304 people who visited the symposiums in Hargeisa, Lasgeel, Gabiley, and other places where it was held, and each of them told us about their topic, so it was the heaviest show of the 16 shows that we have held, which ended”, Jama Muse Jama said.

Dr. Jama Musa also mentioned the number of books bought in general and the three best-selling books during the 16th exhibition, he said; “The books purchased are 1,285 books. “Unfortunately, there are fewer books than the ones bought last year, the reason being the country’s economic downturn and the distribution of books in the city.”

“The best-selling book was the book called ‘Waa Iska Waayo Aduun” written by Ahmed Yassin, the next best selling book is ‘Aanadii Nageye’ written by Ibrahim Yusuf Ahmed (Hawd), the 3rd book is ‘Weerane’ written by Mohamed Barud Ali,” said Dr Jama Muse.

The Chairman of the Cultural Center of Hargeisa, thanked the cultural center workers, the security forces and the foreign guests who attended the exhibition, “I thank the cultural center workers who have been there for the last three months, without them this work would not have been possible”.

He continued, “I thank the National Army, we have put a great burden on the city, the roads were blocked, the police were with us from morning to night, I thank the Army, especially their leaders who were here with us”.

The closing ceremony of the 16th International Book Fair in Hargeisa was Literary Night attended by thousands of people, and many different artist and singers namely Sahra-ileys, Juweriya-janno, Khadar Fiyore who sang live. Also, singers such as Abdikarin Ali Shah and Djibouti singer Yahye Abduqadir Osman, who was one of the guests of Djibouti who attended the show, who sang songs of Qarami, the middle and the late ones, performed beautifully. entertained the participants by singing love songs, patriotic songs and traditional songs.

The famous Halkar Academy’s Heritage and Cultural Games team, which was part of the program, presented the popular Heritage and Culture Games when the youth of the group got together.

It is worth noting that the international delegates who attended the 16th Book Fair in Hargeisa, the staff of the Cultural Center in Hargeisa and the youths from different regions of the country who worked as volunteers in the exhibition were impressed by the way they worked, and they received certificates.

Honorary degrees and awards were also given to the Chairman of Jama Muse Jama and the staff of the Hargeisa Cultural Center.


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