Implementing cash-for-work activities in Somaliland & Somalia





To address the immediate food needs of vulnerable households through cash-based transfers, including cash-for-work (CFW), unconditional cash transfers (UCTs) and cash+, to increase household food security and enhance livelihood recovery.

Key partners:

  • 65 national non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Beneficiaries reached:

  • 159 395 rural households in 17 regions, 60 districts and 496 villages throughout Somalia

Activities implemented:

  • Trained NGO staff on the use of the FAO Form Management Tool, cash transfer modalities, technical guidelines on implementing CFW activities and the Open Data Kit used to register beneficiaries through digitalized fingerprinting.
  • Provided 55 789 households in 48 districts engaged in the rehabilitation of productive community infrastructure with USD 14 872 571 in cash transfer payments (enough for each household to cover 3 to 6.5 months of food needs).
  • Supported 9 670 vulnerable households in CFW villages with USD 2 667 410 in UCTs (enough for each household to cover 3 to 6.5 months of food needs).
  • Trained 6 546 community members (10 percent of total beneficiaries involved in CFW) on the importance of managing infrastructure and supported the aforementioned members with forming water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) committees for each infrastructure rehabilitated.
  • Provided 87 047 agropastoral households in 27 districts with monthly UCTs totalling USD 17 425 136 (enough for each household to cover three months of food needs).
  • Provided 1 600 riverine fishing households in Bu’ale, Jamaame, Jiib and Kismaayo districts with three monthly cash transfer payments totalling USD 227 973 (enough for each household to cover three months of food needs).
  • Provided 5 289 households with USD 665 746 through the cash+ livestock package in Caynabo, Eyl, Garoowe, Hobyo, Jariiban, Laasqoray, Laas Caanood and Taleex (enough for each household to cover three months of food needs).


  • Improved the food security and resilience of 159 395 rural households through cash-based transfers (CFW, UCTs and cash+) totalling USD 35 858 835.
  • Equipped NGO staff with the knowledge and skills to collect, process, analyse and report on a wide range of data.
  • Rehabilitated 497 productive community infrastructure, including 325 water catchments, providing enough water to 592 949 animals for three months during dry season, 36 irrigation canals, 85 contour bunds, 36 soil bunds and 15 broken points of river embankment.
  • Contributed to the development of new WASH committees and capacity building of committee members.
  • Relief Web


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